Developing for Commander X16 in Prog8 – Part 3

Redefining the Commander X16’s character set

The font can be created in a graphics editor like Paint.Net or Aseprite. Both are available for Windows, OSX and Linux. Paint DotNet is available for OSX and Linux as Pinta.

We need the font in a format we can add to our Prog8 PRG file.

You can download a good converter from @joolin1’s GitHub page. This application works on Windows, OSX and Linux.

To use it, extract the converter from its Zip file to a folder on your computer.

Create a folder inside the converter’s folder called ‘images’.

Run this command from your command prompt (cmd.exe on Windows):

   X16PngConverter.exe images\GoodFont.png -tiles -h 8 -w 8

This will convert the GoodFont.png file and output GOODFONT.BIN which we can load into our Prog8 application.  Windows is not case-sensitive for filenames.

Note: it will also create a file called GOODFONT-PALETTE.BIN
This file is if you are using tiles or a title-screen in your game and want to preserve the colours used in your PNG image file.

%import textio
%import diskio

%zeropage basicsafe

main {
	sub start() {
        	/* Demonstration text program
            	   by Jason Oakley */
        	; Load the new character set into memory
        	void diskio.vload("goodfont.bin", 1, $f000)
        	; Change the font and background colours
        	; Clear the screen
        	txt.cls() ; Comments can be added after commands
        	; Output some text
        	txt.print("Hello and welcome to\n")
        	txt.print("Programming the Commander X16\n")
        	txt.print("in Prog8!")

You should see the text output like this, depending on the font you use:

Make sure your font file is compatible with PETSCII or similar.

You can download a bunch of useful files from the Downloads section of this website.

Note: The default screen mode you get when you start the emulator or turn on your Commander X16 is mode 0 (zero).
This is essentially the first Tile Mode.  The character set you see is actually a tile set internally.
As you type, tiles are drawn on the screen as if they were characters. Hence, the default tile size is 8×8 pixels.

Redefining the charset on the fly

%import textio
%import diskio

%zeropage basicsafe

main {
	sub start() {
        	; Load the new character set into memory
        	void diskio.vload("GOODFONT.BIN", 1, $f000)
        	txt.print("\nHello World @\n")

What happened to the @ at sign after “Hello World” ? It sure doesn’t look like an at sign any more!

This is how easy it is to manipulate your font character (which is really just a tile!).
We load our GOODFONT.BIN character set into memory at $f000 and here we’re just overwriting the values of the first character with new ones. Pretty cool, huh?

We used $ to denote a Hexadecimal value – which is our memory locations – and % to denote binary values.

You can also switch to 40×30 character screen mode with:

    void cx16.screen_mode(3, false)

Printing text at a specific location on screen:


Fill the screen with a particular character and colour. “A” and green:


Scrolling the screen around by one character:

	ubyte i
	for i in 0 to 6 {
	for i in 0 to 6 {

Of course, there’s also scroll_right() and scroll_up().


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